Change Your Password. Billions of Passwords Leaked.

Change Your Password. Billions of Passwords Leaked.

When was the last time you changed your password(s)? Chances are that you are like most people who use the same or similar passwords for all your online services. We know that we should be more vigilant and more safe, but we never get around to it and it’s too...
How to Sell a Car Using AI

How to Sell a Car Using AI

Everyone is talking about AI. At London Tech Week, every presentation on the main stage and every booth on the floor was showcasing how AI is and will change the way we do business. For some, AI is a bullet point to add onto the end of the product roadmap in an...
Buying a Car – The Worst Day of Your Life?

Buying a Car – The Worst Day of Your Life?

Think about the last car ad you saw. In Australia, most car ads include themes of freedom and independence and getting away from it all. Cars are linked to momentous occasions in our lives and for some, a car is part of the family.  Buying a car is not something...