The EU Digital Identity Wallet aims to create a universal digital identity system for EU citizens by 2026, with full adoption by 2030. This wallet will allow users to securely store and share credentials like IDs, licences, and educational qualifications, simplifying access to public and private services.

The initiative paves the way for platforms like AutoSettle to scale globally, helping consumers complete tasks like buying and selling a car in a seamless and secure way. 

The EU plan promises enhanced convenience, privacy, and interoperability across member states, challenging existing commercial digital ID systems. The initiative aligns with the EU’s digital strategy, emphasising data privacy and regulatory compliance. Success hinges on robust implementation, security, and user adoption to avoid pitfalls of previous national e-ID systems.

The Case for Digital ID 

The case for a Digital ID Wallet in the EU and elsewhere builds on trends that have been emerging and accelerating for a while:

  • Convenience: A single app for storing and sharing essential documents like IDs, driver’s licence, and medical prescriptions simplifies life, reducing the need to manage various physical and digital credentials.
  • Privacy and Control: Users can selectively share data, and personal information. This addresses growing concerns about privacy risks in digital transactions and the risk of data being exposed or compromised through data breaches
  • Regulatory Compliance: The wallet supports EU digital regulations, like the Digital Services Act, by enabling secure and verified access to age-restricted and other regulated services.
  • Data Flow and Economic Benefits: Facilitating easier sharing and reuse across borders aligns with the EU’s digital market goals, potentially boosting economic activity by streamlining transactions and service access.
  • Reducing Big Tech Dependency: Offering a Pan-EU digital ID provides an alternative to commercial identity systems from tech giants like Apple and Google, promoting digital sovereignty and reducing reliance on external platforms.
  • Enhanced Security: With built-in e-signing and verification features, the wallet ensures secure transactions, minimising fraud risks.


The readiness for digital IDs is mixed. While there’s significant potential for convenience and efficiency, several factors influence adoption:

  • Trust and Security Concerns: Users are wary of privacy and data security. The system must demonstrate robust protection of personal data to gain trust.
  • Usability: The digital ID wallet needs to be user-friendly and reliable. Past failures of national e-ID schemes highlight the importance of a smooth user experience.
  • Competition from Big Tech: Existing solutions like “Sign in with Google” are convenient and widely used, posing a challenge for new systems.
  • Privacy Reservations: Concerns about state control and data misuse could hinder adoption. A transparent and secure technical architecture is crucial.
  • Strategic Digital Sovereignty: The push for digital sovereignty and reducing reliance on Big Tech could drive political and public support.

AutoSettle Growth Plans

The EU Digital Identity Wallet is advantageous to AutoSettle for several key reasons:

  1. Streamlined Transactions: With a universal digital identity, AutoSettle can simplify and accelerate the car buying and selling process by enabling secure, verified transactions without the need for multiple physical documents.
  2. Enhanced Security: The wallet’s robust security features ensure that users’ identities and credentials are protected, reducing the risk of fraud and building trust in the AutoSettle platform.
  3. Regulatory Compliance: The wallet aligns with EU regulations, helping AutoSettle comply with legal requirements effortlessly, thus smoothing its operations across different EU markets.
  4. Wider Market Reach: The universal nature of the wallet allows AutoSettle to scale its services across all EU member states, reaching a broader customer base with ease.
  5. Improved User Experience: By integrating with the digital ID wallet, AutoSettle can offer a more convenient and user-friendly experience, attracting more customers who prefer streamlined digital interactions.
  6. Cost Efficiency: Automating identity verification processes reduces administrative overhead and costs associated with manual checks, making AutoSettle’s operations more efficient.

Overall, the EU Digital Identity Wallet can significantly enhance AutoSettle’s ability to offer seamless, secure, and compliant services across the EU, driving growth and customer adoption.