Front End Developer

Contract | REMOTE
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About AutoSettle

AutoSettle is at the forefront of fintech innovation in the automotive industry. Our early-stage startup offers a unique opportunity to shape the future of how vehicle transactions are done. Our collaborative culture and mission-driven ethos provide an exciting environment for growth and impact.

Job Description

  • Build and maintain front-end web applications using Svelte
  • ⁠Integrate for server-side rendering and static site generation
  • ⁠Manage application state with nanostores.
  • Develop interactive and performance-optimized web pages and applications as a whole
  • ⁠Maintain a deployment on Vercel, with openness to adopting new deployment solutions as needed
  • ⁠Utilize Tailwind CSS pragmatically, combining it with BEM methodology to ensure both usability and aesthetics across stylesheets


  • ⁠Collaborate with team members to enhance overall user experience.
  • ⁠Ensure technical feasibility of UI/UX designs.
  • ⁠Optimize applications for maximum speed and scalability.
  • ⁠Maintain high standards of code quality and ensure the web app is responsive between mobile, tablet and desktop.


  • Svelte
  • Vercel
  • Tailwind CSS
  • BEM methodology

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